Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ah, it's Fall here in SV, Idaho

I realize that I haven't written a blog post in so very long but I've had a busy summer kayaking, camping and biking. So, between that and other commitments, I haven't really taken the time to write an essential oil blog. I have favorite blends for every season of the year. Of course, the citrus oils are a year round favorite of mine but when Fall comes around, I keep longing for those smells that are associated with that cool, crisp weather of Fall. Boy, we're already seeing here where I live in Idaho. I slipped on the deck this morning at 7AM trying to figure out why the coyotes were still howling so early and the deck was icy. BRRRR! 

So, I definitely used EOs when I was camping. I sprinkled citronella on the ground around my tent to help keep the bugs away, it definitely was helpful. I also used EOs to sprinkle on my firewood...my favorite is lemon eucalyptus, which is already blended when I buy it from the EO company I purchase from but it's easily replicated. I also washed my camping clothes and such using lemon EO to help remove the smell of campfire smoke from my clothes and blankets. So, while I have been away, I haven't stopped using EOs for one minute. I have my "go to bag" that has my five favorite oils that I travel with in the summer that was always thrown in with my camping gear. When I stow away my tent for the season, I will use the following in my gear:

  • 9 drops of sweet orange
  • 9 drops of lemon
  • 9 drops of peppermint
  • 9 drops of tea tree
Blend together and then pour mixture on an unbleached teabag, cotton balls, etc. and toss in with your gear. It will keep it fresh and not musty smelling after being stored away for the winter! 

One of my favorite fall blends that I diffuse and use in the early beginnings of Fall is this one: 

  • 4 drops of sweet orange
  • 2 drops of rosemary
  • 1 drop of peppermint

Be Well, 