Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Five Quick Tips for Using Essential Oils in your Fitness Routine

Essential oils are beneficial in so many areas. Why not incorporate them into your fitness routine, as well? It doesn't matter which brand you use as long as they are reputable and you trust that the oils are quality oils. With that said, here are five quick tips for using oils before, during and after your workouts: 

TIP 1:  To help get you in the mood to exercise, use a bright, uplifting or energizing essential oil such as lemon, sweet orange or sweet basil. Diffuse it or, for a quick burst, simply open a bottle and breathe in the aroma.

TIP 2:  For a mid-workout boost when you’re sagging, try a whiff of refreshing peppermint oil or spritz peppermint blend mist into your airspace.

TIP 3:  To freshen and cleanse your hard-worked feet, combine six drops of tea tree oil in one to three ounces (2 to 6 tbsp.) of water, and spray on. 

TIP 4:  For reducing gym bag odors, apply 5 drops each of lemon, lime, and sweet orange essential oil on a cotton pad and toss it in your bag. < I use this solution for my camping gear!

TIP 5:  To soothe and relax those well-used muscles, massage them with clary sage mixed in a carrier oil, such as jojoba, sweet almond or grapeseed oil (6 drops clary sage to 2 tbsp. carrier oil). Black Pepper is also a great essential oil for this purpose.

Essentials oils are a natural way to slide into your routine! 

Be well, 