Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Five Quick Tips for Using Essential Oils in your Fitness Routine

Essential oils are beneficial in so many areas. Why not incorporate them into your fitness routine, as well? It doesn't matter which brand you use as long as they are reputable and you trust that the oils are quality oils. With that said, here are five quick tips for using oils before, during and after your workouts: 

TIP 1:  To help get you in the mood to exercise, use a bright, uplifting or energizing essential oil such as lemon, sweet orange or sweet basil. Diffuse it or, for a quick burst, simply open a bottle and breathe in the aroma.

TIP 2:  For a mid-workout boost when you’re sagging, try a whiff of refreshing peppermint oil or spritz peppermint blend mist into your airspace.

TIP 3:  To freshen and cleanse your hard-worked feet, combine six drops of tea tree oil in one to three ounces (2 to 6 tbsp.) of water, and spray on. 

TIP 4:  For reducing gym bag odors, apply 5 drops each of lemon, lime, and sweet orange essential oil on a cotton pad and toss it in your bag. < I use this solution for my camping gear!

TIP 5:  To soothe and relax those well-used muscles, massage them with clary sage mixed in a carrier oil, such as jojoba, sweet almond or grapeseed oil (6 drops clary sage to 2 tbsp. carrier oil). Black Pepper is also a great essential oil for this purpose.

Essentials oils are a natural way to slide into your routine! 

Be well, 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Clarifying Your Hair the Natural Way!

Wow...it's been a while since I have written a blog post but I just haven't been doing any blending that is out of the ordinary until today. A few weeks ago I was getting my hair cut/colored and one of the ladies in the salon had just ordered clarifying shampoo because she said she put product in her hair every day and needed a good clarifying shampoo. Well, I'm in the "straight mode" right now so I use a product that gives me "lazer straight" hair. I have straight hair with a little wave so this product really gives me that sleek, really straight look. 

I have been noticing lately that my hair was starting to look just straight and flat with no real volume on my "hair off days". What I mean by that is that I wash my hair and let it air dry to keep from using heat on it every day. Since I work from home, I can put it in a ponytail the next day and I'm still good. This helps me keep my hair healthy. 

Since we have all heard that it is a good thing to switch up shampoos or that it is good to use a clarifying shampoo I was thinking that the purpose of clarifying is to not use anything that is chemical on my hair to clarify it. Even the clarifying shampoos probably have something in them. 

So, I searched online and found a great recipe for both the "wash" and the "rinse" part of my hair routine. I found a wonderful recipe and an equally wonderful website from my search. The site is called MindBodyGreen.com. Here is the recipe for DIY shampoo and rinse...inexpensive and easy to use!!! 

DIY Baking Soda Shampoo

I also followed the vinegar rinse recipe. I used 1/2 cup of white vinegar to 2 cups of water. Now here is where my added touch comes into play. I blended rosemary, lavender and peppermint together to add to the vinegar rinse and oh, it was so refreshing and amazing!!! 

Here is my recipe blend: 

20 drops Rosemary
12 drops Lavender
8   drops Peppermint

I added it to the vinegar/water mixture and rinsed my hair with it. The writer of this blog indicates she uses them but I didn't read that part until after I started writing the blog, I just read that she uses essential oils

I remember when I was studying for my aromatherapy certificate that rosemary is supposed to be good for thinning hair and it is widely used in hair care. Lavender is a given, it's good for EVERYTHING (in my book). I chose peppermint as the final oil to blend for several reasons, the smell, it's good for headaches and it left my scalp feeling very tingly and my hair still smells so fresh! 

Anyway, I am very pleased with the results. I have full, thick looking hair again! This will be added to my one a week hair routine now. 

Be well, 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ah, it's Fall here in SV, Idaho

I realize that I haven't written a blog post in so very long but I've had a busy summer kayaking, camping and biking. So, between that and other commitments, I haven't really taken the time to write an essential oil blog. I have favorite blends for every season of the year. Of course, the citrus oils are a year round favorite of mine but when Fall comes around, I keep longing for those smells that are associated with that cool, crisp weather of Fall. Boy, we're already seeing here where I live in Idaho. I slipped on the deck this morning at 7AM trying to figure out why the coyotes were still howling so early and the deck was icy. BRRRR! 

So, I definitely used EOs when I was camping. I sprinkled citronella on the ground around my tent to help keep the bugs away, it definitely was helpful. I also used EOs to sprinkle on my firewood...my favorite is lemon eucalyptus, which is already blended when I buy it from the EO company I purchase from but it's easily replicated. I also washed my camping clothes and such using lemon EO to help remove the smell of campfire smoke from my clothes and blankets. So, while I have been away, I haven't stopped using EOs for one minute. I have my "go to bag" that has my five favorite oils that I travel with in the summer that was always thrown in with my camping gear. When I stow away my tent for the season, I will use the following in my gear:

  • 9 drops of sweet orange
  • 9 drops of lemon
  • 9 drops of peppermint
  • 9 drops of tea tree
Blend together and then pour mixture on an unbleached teabag, cotton balls, etc. and toss in with your gear. It will keep it fresh and not musty smelling after being stored away for the winter! 

One of my favorite fall blends that I diffuse and use in the early beginnings of Fall is this one: 

  • 4 drops of sweet orange
  • 2 drops of rosemary
  • 1 drop of peppermint

Be Well, 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Get Uplifted with Citrus

If you have been reading my various posts and blogs, some of my recipes or "must haves" will always include citrus.  With the spring here, it is the perfect time to refresh and re-energize your environment — and your spirits. Here's how the clean, uplifting scents of citrus oils can help brighten your winter.
Tips to lighten your mood with citrus essential oils:
  • Sprinkle 5 to 7 drops of sweet orange on shower floor in the morning.
  • Use grapefruit and peppermint in a car diffuser.
  • Keep a bottle of tangerine on your desk and inhale whenever you need to be uplifted.
  • Diffuse a combination of lime, eucalyptus and tea tree to purify the air.
  • Add lemon to household cleaning products.
  • Use mandarin orange as a fresh, sexy personal essence.
  • Diffuse bergamot and rosemary to inspire creativity.
  • Grapefruit Tea Tree Foot Bath
    Turn any down time in front of the TV or reading a book into a rejuvenating spa experience with this easy foot bath. A great purifying treatment, this will revitalize the whole body while softening calloused heals and toes. Follow up with a foot scrub.
    1/3 cup sea salt
    12 drops grapefruit oil
    6 drops tea tree oil
    Basin of very warm water
    Sprinkle sea salt with oils and mix. Dissolve into basin of water and soak feet for 15 to 20 minutes.
    Motivating Workout & Purifying Gym Spray
    4 ounces water
    12 drops sweet orange oil
    6 drops lemon oil
    6 drops tea tree oil
    Combine oils and water in a spray mister bottle. Shake vigorously and use as a motivating air freshener during workouts, or to lightly spray and wipe down athletic equipment before using.
    I have the lime, eucalyptus and tea tree in my diffuser now. What are you doing with your EOs? 
    Be Well, 

    Monday, May 2, 2016

    De-Stress, Naturally!

    We all experience stress in some shape or form. During my weekend reading, I realized that there are many different types of stress that I never really thought about. I was pretty much assuming that all stress is caused by someone we know. The phrase, "you're stressing me out" has come out of my mouth often! Essentially I'm talking about emotional stress but learned that there can be environmental causes for stress, chemical stress (yes, too many cups of coffee by coffee lovers can cause chemical stress), physical stress and of course, mental stress (I suffer from that too). Environmental stress can be caused by noises, cramped office space, office lighting, etc. 

    Our mental health is just as important to our physical health as taking care of our bodies. Too much stress can cause depression, anxiety and can actually turn into physical manifestations like infections, high blood pressure and even physical pain. These days, if you buy from any essential oil company, they are going to have some kind of stress blend, but it's their blend and there is typically only one. Since I like to do my own blending...yes, I do have a bottle of the pre-blended stress from two different EO companies, but there is always that one oil that I don't tolerate well...like Ylang, ylang...I absolutely cannot use that. 

    Anyway, I have a bunch of different recipes that I have been trying out to combat different factors that cause stress. I'll share a few: 

    10 drops Nutmeg
    8  drops Sandalwood
    12 drops Pettigraine

    10 drops Lemon
     5 drops Clary-sage
    15 drops Lavender

    15 drops Geranium
     8 drops Neroli
    12 drops Nutmeg

    General Stress Blends
    #1 - Bergamot (9 drops), Geranium (11 drops) and Ginger (10 drops)
    #2 - Grapefruit (15 drops), Rosemary (11 drops) and Palma rosa (5 drops)
    #3 - Neroli (7 drops), Lavender (3 drops) and Lemon (20 drops) --- This is my favorite

    While these will make a lot, you will only need to use a drop or two, depending on how you diffuse, for effect. If you overuse oils, you can end up with a headache or more. 

    If you are working in an office setting, it is important to remember to respect people's personal space. Just like heavy perfumes, your own personal oil blend can be disruptive to other people so it's important that if you are going to use essential oils at work that you find a personal diffuser. I don't recommend a fan diffuser since that will invade other people's space. 

    I used to use these cute terra cotta pots that were small and would literally only smell around your desk but I cannot find those any longer. There are small terra cotta stones that you can place on your desk that will not invade space or you can always wear an aromatherapy necklace like some of the ones shown here: 

    You can also play with your own blend options using your favorite oils. Here are some oil recommendations (note that when you use oils with an asterisk (*) in higher quantities they are stimulants rather than relaxants, like Lavender:

    Stimulant Oils
    Bergamot      Grapefruit
    Lavender*     Rosemary
    Lemon*        Geranium*
    Cypress         Neroli*
    Coriander      Palma rosa
    Ginger          Cardamom

    Nutmeg        Geranium
    Marjoram     Lemon
    Lavender      Chamomile
    Sandalwood  Neroli
    Clary-sage    Rose
    Pettigraine    Vetiver

    Whatever you decide to use, pre-blended or play with your own blending, using essential oils is a natural way to combat stress and definitely much healthier than using OTC medicines, etc. 

    Be Well, 

    Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    Spiders and Creepy Crawlies!

    I have a theme going with my blog posts...spring! Spring is the time that we open our windows, take off our shoes and enjoy the warmer weather. However, the bugs like the warmer weather too and they will come into our houses uninvited. My niece was just talking about how toxic bug sprays are and so I decided to write a blog entry that focuses on getting rid of those pesky little critters particularly since I've been dealing with flies that love to come in through my open patio door (I don't have a screen because it opens outside instead of inside). Anyway, I have a few suggestions, recipes and recommendations on how to keep those pesky creepers away using all natural products and of course, essential oils! 

     The first creeper I'm going to address is spiders. Spiders hate peppermint so you could grow some peppermint in containers (keep any mint in a container or it will take over your garden space), which can help deter the spiders. If you are finding them spinning their webs in your house, use a very easy spray solution instead of toxic bug spray. In a spray bottle (you can pick these up so cheap at the dollar store) mix 1/2 cup of white vinegar, 1 1/2 cups of water and 20 drops of peppermint essential oil. While peppermint EO smells good, if you are spraying it, it might be a little overwhelming so you can also add 10 drops of eucalyptus. Now, I know this will work on spiders but I'm not sure about other creepers like roaches. You can also spray this solution on cotton balls and place strategically in window sills, in corners on your counters and other out of the way places. However, the coolest thing is, you can spray this on your floor and it isn't going to harm you or your pet, only keep those pesky bugs away including ants! 

    There is another really cool thing that I learned as well...you can hang cotton strips or even paper towel strips in windows to help deter bugs. Just blend the oils together and sprinkle a drop or two of the following mixtures. You can get really creative and make pretty ribbons...it really is up to you. Anyway, here are a couple of recipes: 

    10 drops of Citronella
    3 drops of Peppermint (yes, this is one of my favorites) 

    5 drops of Lavender
    5 drops of Citronella

    According to Valerie Worwood, the following oils are ones that creepers dislike: 

    • Lavender
    • Citronella
    • Peppermint
    • Lemongrass
    • Cinnamon
    • Thyme
    • Basil
    So, you can try different mixtures of the above to achieve the elimination of bugs, naturally! 

    Be Well, 

    Tuesday, April 19, 2016

    Getting Your Feet Sandal Ready!

    Sandal weather isn't too far away. We may be more than ready, but our feet may not be! With a mere 4 ingredients and a jar, you can give your feet some special care and get them in barefoot shape in no time. Men, you can do this, too! Scrub out those rough areas while cheery tangerine and purifying tea tree work to cleanse, protect and uplift you from heel to toe.

    The following is an all natural foot scrub made with tangerine and tea tree that will make your feet tingle and leave them feeling refreshed: 

    ⅓ cup (80 mL) granulated sugar
    1 tablespoon (15 mL) Grapeseed Skin Care Oil
    12 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
    12 drops Tangerine Essential Oil
    4-ounce (118 mL) amber glass wide mouth amber jar

    1. In jar, combine sugar, grapeseed oil and essential oils. Stir until well mixed.
    2. To use, scoop out 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of mixture and massage into feet. Rinse with warm water and wipe dry with towel.

    What a great way to get your feet sandal ready! 

    Be Well, 

    Sunday, April 17, 2016

    Oh Those Pesky Bugs!

    While spring is springing, bugs are starting to come out. I'm fortunate that living in Idaho, we don't have many of the pesky bugs that I experienced living in Alabama or other parts of the southeast/northeast. There are so many wonderful alternatives than bug spray with all of those toxins that you can do to deter bugs. Here are a few ideas: 

    On your patio, plant lemongrass in planters at each edge of the patio. Not only are they pretty and very fragrant, they will ward off mosquitoes. 

    Of course a few plants may not take care of all of them, but you also don't want to overload your yard with one plant. There are other plants that also help with warding off bugs including lavender and oh my, lavender is a lovely plant to have planted around the patio. Unlike lemongrass that you would plant in planters, I recommend planting it directly in the ground or you'll miss out on the try beauty of a full grown lavender plant. I also found this great website when I was looking for a few photos that I found to be quite informative: http://www.mnn.com/your-home/organic-farming-gardening/stories/12-plants-that-repel-unwanted-insects. So, when considering what to plant around your patio, check out their suggestions. 

    Additionally, for your personal use, if you want to use a bug repellent on you, try this mixture: 

    4 drops of Thyme
    8 drops of Lemongrass
    4 drops of Lavender
    4 drops of Peppermint

    Blend those oils together and use in a body oil or unscented body lotion to help keep bugs at bay. 

    If you are industrious, you can make your own natural candles for your patio as well using true essential oils. The DIY network has a wonderful instructional step-by-step process for making your own candles including the ratio of citronella to wax. Check it out: http://www.diynetwork.com/how-to/make-and-decorate/crafts/bug-off-make-your-own-citronella-candles

    Don't let bugs spoil your outdoor fun and don't use toxic chemical products when you can do it all more naturally. 

    Be Well, 

    Friday, April 15, 2016

    All Natural Flea Collars

    As many of us move toward a more healthy lifestyle, we also like taking our pets there too. I mean, if you wouldn't put toxic chemicals on your body, why would you put them on your beloved pet? Years ago I had several different recipes (all in storage in Alabama) saved in a recipe book but I recently re-bought (yes, now I have two copies) Valerie's book of essential oils and aromatherapy and found a great recipe for all natural flea collars. I'll be honest, this one isn't my favorite since my favorite one has eucalyptus but I trust Valerie's knowledge and expertise so I'm sharing this one. 

    They are really easy to make and last about a month but aside from smelling good they are a healthy alternative for your pet. Just buy a cloth collar (like the one on Athena below) and you'll soak in your mixture. 

    So here's the recipe: 

    1/2 teaspoon alcohol
    1 drop of Cedarwood
    1 drop of Lavender
    1 drop Citronella
    1 drop of Thyme

    Make this mixture first. 

    Next make the following: 
    1 teaspoon vegetable oil (I personally would use almond oil) and 1 drop of garlic EO. If you can't locate garlic EO you can substitute 4 garlic capsules (you will break them open to use) only, meaning you won't use oil. 

    Blend the first mixture with second mixture and saturate the collar. Allow the collar to dry (this usually takes overnight), put on your pet and they are good to go for a month!  

    Here's the thing with the garlic, fleas hate garlic so if it is absorbed into your pet, they won't be doing any biting. You can also add garlic capsules to your pet's diet, if they will tolerate it. 

    Be well, 


    Worwood, V. The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy